Thursday, July 15, 2010

Experiment gone horribly………. right ?

I hate to toot my own horn but I love this piece.
This has to be the most whimsy I've ever captured in a painting.
"Peeking" Is a fusion of abstract and dreamlike surrealism.

I've been using my big sister as my "guinea pig".
What made her such a great candidate to test my art on was that she just bought a new place and was looking to furnish and not really into art. Crafts. D.I.Y. Or doing anything herself. Lol.

I thought it was a great way to introduce different types art besides non-representational works to match the sofa into the home. Without overwhelming ---lets say the new home owner.

It was to serve as an example incentive for Kickstarter.
In reality its one entire piece.
Besides being split into sections, nothing else was digitally enhanced.


Photos of the process

So what do you think?